La Feria de los Niños 2018
Saturday, 04/21/18: It was successful event on Saturday at the Feria de los Niños hosted by the Curacao. Latino Family Institute was able to share information with our community on the huge demand of #fosterparents needed to provide a #stable and #loving home to the #children in the #fostercaresystem.
We are excited to be part of the 23rd Annual Curacao Community Event for a 2nd year in a row. Join us this Saturday, April 21st for La Feria de los Niños 2018. This is a FREE event to the public. Spend the day with the family having fun with all kinds of activities.
Visit our booth to learn how to become a Resource Family. Help us spread the word of the huge NEED for loving families that are able to provide a safe and loving environment to one or more siblings that are part of the Foster Care system. Foster parents provide a supportive and stable environment for children temporarily unable to live with their parents due to family problems. In most cases, the foster parents work with agency staff to reunite the child with their birth parent(s).
Location: 1605 W. Olympic Bvld.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Time: 12:00pm to 5:00pm
#LatinoFamilyInstitute #fosterparents #resourcefamilies #adoption #children #love #lacuracao #LaFeriadelosNiños